Crossfit Garage – CrossFit


Squat Snatch

for 15 min, 3 sets of 5 reps, building each time. If possible on the last set try for 5+ reps.



for 10min work on Muscle ups

Ring support

Strict ring dip

low ring transition

Kipping low ring transition, feet close to hips

Kipping low ring transition, feet away from hips

Kipping ring MU

Transition work-

Standing, rock back, pull through transition

Knees on ground, toe push through transition

Rings chest high, heals on box in front, pull through transition

Rings head high, Jump through the transition

EMOM 12 DU MU snatch (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM for 12 min, complete:

1: 30 DU/ (Scaled 60 SU)
2: 6 MU (scaled muscle up transitions/progressions)
3: 5 squat snatch @ 80% of 1RM

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