CrossFit – Sat, Apr 29

Crossfit Garage – CrossFit


100m Jog


Bear Crawl

Scoop hamstring stretch

Butt Kicks

High Knees

Side Lunges

Into: 2X

20 Arm Circles (10 forward/10 reversed)

10 Groiners

5 Inchworms with push-up

10 SCAP pull-ups (pull-ups round 2)

10 slow air squats (pause at the bottom)

10 Sit-ups


Partner Angie – tapout (Time)

“Partner Angie” With Run to Tap in/out

For time:

400m Run
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats
400m Run

RX+ Bring your weight vest! Who is getting ready for Murph!?

One partner works while the other rests, alternating as needed.

Find a place on the rig for pull-ups and grab a sit-up pad

Scale options – Banded Pull-ups or Jumping Pull-ups, Knee push-ups, Knee raises

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