Crossfit Garage – CrossFit

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Overhead Squat (1×3)

Athletes record heaviest load for 3 consecutive reps beginning around 55%. Bar may be received from rack


Mini Nancy (Time)

2 Rounds:


400m run OR 250m row

15 Overhead Squats 95/65


15 cals Echo Bike

15 Overhead Squats 125/95
*barbell received from the floor for OHS

Bright Spot

400m Run (Time)

Max Effort 400m Run


The overhead squat is a total body exercise that can be beneficial for strength, power and fitness athletes. Movements like snatches, jerks, high bar back squats, overhead carries, and other functional exercise are all impacted by an athletes ability to (1) stabilize a load overhead, (2) properly control the core under load, and (3) display strength, mobility, and balance.

Intended Response

The load prescribed for ‘Nancy’ should feel light in general, so if athletes cannot complete all 15 reps in 2 sets or less, the weight should be lessened in order to perform more unbroken.

Nancy as prescribed is an endurance test, not a sprint – however – doing just two rounds turns it into more of a sprint so athletes should move as quickly as possible through this couplet, while maintaining safe form for the Overhead Squats.

Heart rate will elevate on the first movement (cardio) and stay elevated throughout.

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