Wednesday, August 10

Crossfit Garage – CrossFit


4 RDS of “Rowling” (200m)

RD 1 Penalty-Superman PVC Pass Throughs

RD 2 Penalty-Tuck Ups

RD 3 Penalty-Mountain Climbers

RD 4 Penalty-Hollow Rocks


EMOM x 5

Minute 1: 10 Small, Tight Kip Swings

Minute 2-3: 10 Kip Swings W/ Tight Lats Pushing Down

Minute 4-5: 5 T2B, Toes to Something, Knee Raises or whatever scaling option members will use.


Toes 2K Row (Time)

30 T2B

2K Row

30 T2B

2K Row

30 T2B
last tested 1/18/22

Cool Down

1:00/Side Forearm Stretch

1:30 Alternating between Cobra and Childs pose

Bright Spot


2k Row (Time)

Max Effort 2k Row