CrossFit – Wed, Apr 10

Crossfit Garage – CrossFit

General Warm-up (No Measure)

On athlete’s choice of machine:

1 set:

:20 easy pace

:20 moderate pace

:20 hard pace

5 PVC good mornings

10 lateral hops

1 set:

:20 easy pace

:20 moderate pace

:20 hard pace

5 PVC pass throughs

10 hops forward and backward

1 set:

:20 easy pace

:20 moderate pace

:20 hard pace

5 hand-release push-ups

10 lateral hops

Skill Work (Weight)


On an 8:00 clock:

Practice 5-7 sets of a power snatch + overhead squat single from the floor.

240410 (5 Rounds for calories)

– RX –

5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (65/95 lb)

30 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.


5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (55/75 lb)

20 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.


5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (35/45 lb)

10 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.

Stretching (No Measure)

1 set:

1:00 foam roll glutes/side

1:00 foam roll upper back

– AT-HOME – (4 Rounds for distance)

5 x 2:30 rounds:

20 single-dumbbell overhead walking lunges

30 lateral hops over the dumbbell

Max distance run in remaining time