Crossfit Garage – CrossFit


3 rounds

100m jog

10 scap pull ups

10 pull up swings

10 light wall balls

10 boot strappers

followed by:


childs pose



Prep for WOD, 15 min to get to a weight higher than you’ll use in the WOD


EMOM 15 run pull up thruster (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM for 15 min:

Min 1 – 100m run
Min 2 – max Pull Ups (athletes choice)
Min 3 – max Thruster at 70% of 1RM

score is total pullups and thrusters

add choice and weight to notes
Pick the harder progression today. Try to work on moving down the list.



Pull ups

progression options:

Kip swing with feet on box

2 kip swings + 1 Kip, with feet on box

2 kip swings + pull-up, with feet on box

2 kip swings + 1 pull-up + 2 kip swings, with feet on box

box pull-ups

strength options:

banded on rig and pvc pull down

barbell on rig rows

barbell on rig seated pull ups

banded pull up (and crossed)

– strict or swing/kip

banded on J hook pull up

– strict or swing/kip

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