Crossfit Garage – CrossFit

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Spend the first 10 minutes of class building bar to 80-85% before beginning Back Squat portion

Back Squat (4-4-4-3-3-3-2-2-2)

Every :90 x 9 sets:

0-1:30, 1:30-3 and 3-4:30: four reps @ 70%

4:30-6, 6-7:30, and 7:30-9: three reps @ 75%

9-10:30, 10:30-12, and 12-13:30: two reps @ 80-85%

*Score is last/heaviest sets of 3×2

FS T2B MU (Time)

3 Rounds:

9 Front Squats 95/65

7 Toes to Bar

5 Lateral Barbell Burpees

3 Muscle-ups
MU – ring or bar

*barbell received from ground*

Scaling options:

T2B: Knees to Chest, Knees to Elbows, Toes-to-Rig

MU: Box or band assisted bar MU, aggressive kip swings (get hips close to bar), Chest-to-Bar pull-ups

Bright Spot

Front Squat



specify ring or bar

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