Crossfit Garage – CrossFit

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Shoulder Press (10-8-6-4-2)

*Superset: 40-meter Farmers Carry AHAP (11 gym mats length-wise, down and back with KBs)

– 2:00 between sets (between sets of shoulder presses)

– barbell may be received from rack

Score: load for Shoulder Press (all 30 reps at same weight)

– log KB weight used (total weight x 2 KBs) in notes

Blue KB: 70 lbs

Black KB: 53 lbs

Red KB: 35 lbs

Green KB: 20 lbs


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

12 KBS 53/35

10 S2O 95/65

*Rest :30 between rounds*



– barbell received from ground

*Score: Total time including rest periods

S2O: Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk

Bright Spot

Push Press

Push Jerk

Split Jerk

Intended Response

Choose the weight load today that allows you to cycle through the

movements unbroken; if movements have to be broken up into more than two sets – scale the load. This workout is intended to be quick and essentially the only rest coming from the built-in :30 rest

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