Crossfit Garage – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

1000 m Row

40 Burpees to target

750 m Row

30 Burpees to target

500 m Row

20 Burpees to target

250 m Row

10 Burpees to target
For burpees to target, find something to jump to that is 6 inches above your hands when they are fully extended overhead. You can use a pull up bar, rings, etc.

Accessory Work

Hollow-Superman Tabata 1 (8 Rounds for reps)

Perform the Following in Tabata fashion:

Min 1: Hollow Hold

Min 2: Superman Hold

Min 3: Hollow Rocks

Min 4: Superman Rocks
Focus on pushing low back into the floor and squeezing stomach tight!

Don’t worry too much about scoring. Focus on completing.

Repeat for a total of 2 times through

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